Why use MAS?

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July 8, 2021

Why use MAS?

Sessions are based on interval training. ie 2 sets of 3 reps. Each rep has a target distance to reach in the


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Application of Conditioning

3 Key Physiological Factors to improve with Training:

  1. VO2 max
  2. Anaerobic Threshold
  3. Running Economy

Premise of Training:

Interval Training (Improve VO2 max):

Maximise time spent at VO2 max each session. Active recovery stabilises heart rate and time at V02 max. Static recovery is should be considered with higher intensities (>100% MAS).

Threshold Training (Improve VO2 max and Anaerobic Threshold):

With threshold-intensity running, the physiological benefit is to improve endurance: the ability to endure a greater and greater intensity of effort for a longer and longer period of time.

Continuous Training (Improve VO2 max and Running Economy):

Maximise time spent at VO2 max each session. Active recovery stabilises heart rate and time at V02 max. Static recovery is should be considered with higher intensities (>100% MAS).

3 Types of Aerobic Training:

With threshold-intensity running, the physiological benefit is to improve endurance: the ability to endure a greater and greater intensity of effort for a longer and longer period of time.

Aerobic Training:** For developing Aerobic Energy System Development, there are 3 main types of training

With threshold-intensity running, the physiological benefit is to improve endurance: the ability to endure a greater and greater intensity of effort for a longer and longer period of time.

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Why use MAS?

Sessions are based on interval training. ie 2 sets of 3 reps. Each rep has a target distance to reach in the

Pre season testing in large numbers

Sessions are based on interval training. ie 2 sets of 3 reps. Each rep has a target distance to reach in the allowed time. The timer ‘work left’ counts down to zero.

Elevate your run

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